CLUEVO LMS – the free WordPress Plugin IndexCLUEVO LMSCLUEVO LMS - the free WordPress Plugin2.0 Learning Management3.0 User Management5.0 Competence6.0 LMS Posts7.0 SettingsCLUEVO LMS ExtensionsCLUEVO LMS - the free WordPress Plugin2.0 Learning Management3.0 User Management5.0 Competence6.0 LMS Posts7.0 Settings 1.0 Installation WordPress, Directory 0 / 2 2.0 Learning Management 0 / 3 3.0 User Management user, management, learning, tree, module, lesson, chapter, module, groups, trainer, time, stamp, avaible, not, date 4.0 Reporting reports, scorm, learning, progress, fail, completed, success, data, user 0 / 3 7.0 Settings security, https, module, user, setting, iframe, popup, lightbox, delete, scorm, licence, key, extension